SRBC 2024


– Romanian Society of Cell Biology, Mureș Branch,

– „George Emil Palade” University of Medicine, Pharmacy, Science, and Technology, Târgu Mureș

Dear colleagues,


We are honored to invite you to the 41st Annual Scientific Session of the Romanian Society for Cell Biology, which will take place in Târgu Mureș from December 11-13, 2024.

„George Emil Palade” University of Medicine, Pharmacy, Science, and Technology, Târgu Mureș, a renowned institution dedicated for seven decades to training doctors and pharmacists devoted to serving humanity, will host this much-anticipated annual event. You will have the opportunity to explore a multicultural space that continually strives to foster a form of interpersonal communication based on respect, tolerance, harmony, and the enrichment of cultural and scientific heritage inherited from those who built this true citadel, always aspiring to be a place of mutual understanding.

We look forward to welcoming you with warmth and hospitality, which we are known for, in the beautiful city situated on the upper course of the Mureș River, among gentle hills with forests and orchards dotted with charming guesthouses, holiday homes, or pastel-colored villas. The city’s center, once the meeting place of traders, consists of buildings constructed in the architectural style of the early 20th century. The 60-meter-high tower of the prefecture building, constructed in 1907 in the „Secession” style, can be seen from any point in the city. The Palace of Culture offers a spectacle of color and architectural elegance with its roof in shades of blue, white, and pink, through mosaics, bas-reliefs, and frescoes, inviting you to step into the imposing hall with Carrara marble and Venetian mirrors. From here, you will surely be tempted to enter the concert hall, the wonderful „Hall of Mirrors,” and the Art Museum.

We also invite you to the Museum of Ethnography and Folklore and the medieval fortress with its six bastions, the Reformed Church, the „Tower Theater,” and recently, the UMFST „GEORGE EMIL PALADE” Museum. A stroll through Rose Square will undoubtedly lead you to the two Orthodox Cathedrals that guard the central park at both ends. We leave you to discover other interesting places in our city, such as the Teleki Library, a Baroque building that was once the seat of the Royal Board, the Unitarian Church, and the Minorite Order Church dedicated to Saint Anthony of Padua.

Thus, a high academic scientific event that will bring together distinguished specialists and personalities in multidisciplinary research will have a unique setting in which the Romanian Society of Cell Biology increasingly asserts its supremacy in today’s scientific world.

We sincerely hope that the meeting in Târgu Mureș will represent an important scientific event with modern and current scientific presentation held in a space of multicultural human communication on the ascending path of national and international recognition in this scientific field.


Faculty of Dental Medicine

„George Emil Palade” University of Medicine, Pharmacy, Science, and Technology


December 11-13, 2024


Hybrid (onsite and online)

Official Organizers:

– Prof. Dr. Anca Sin, President of the Mureș Branch of the Romanian Society of Cell Biology

– Prof. Dr. Leonard Azamfirei, Rector of „George Emil Palade” UMFST Târgu Mureș

Scientific Committee:

– Maya Simionescu („N. Simionescu” Institute of Cellular Biology and Pathology, Bucharest)

– Leonard Azamfirei (UMFST Târgu Mureș)

– Anca Sin (UMFST Târgu Mureș)

– Ovidiu Cotoi (UMFST Târgu Mureș)

– Horațiu Suciu (UMFST Târgu Mureș)

– Angela Borda (UMFST Târgu Mureș)

– Alexandru Schiopu (Sweden)

– Havva Serap Toru (Turkey)

– Jochen Kuhse (Germany)

– Agneta Simionescu (USA)

– Dan Simionescu (USA)

– Hajdu Maria (Hungary)

– Camelia Monoran (Germany)

– Carmen Cotruț (UMF Iași)

– Kiss Eva (UMFST Târgu Mureș)

– Elena Enache (Emergency Clinical Hospital Târgu Mureș)

– Liviu Enache (Emergency Clinical Hospital Târgu Mureș)

– Gabriela Patrichi (UMFST Târgu Mureș)

– Sabin Turdean (UMFST Târgu Mureș)

– Catalina Pisoschi (UMF Craiova)

– Roxana Popescu (UMF Timișoara)

– Vlad Alexandru Toma (UMF Cluj-Napoca)

– Anca Hermenean (Univ. „V. Goldis” Arad)

Organizing Committee:

– Maya Simionescu

– Leonard Azamfirei

– Anca Sin

– Ovidiu Cotoi

– Loredan Stefan Niculescu

– Kiss Eva

– Raluca Marian

– Ancuța Zazgyva

– Gabriela Patrichi

– Elena Enache

– Liviu Enache

– Dragoș Baba

– Laurențiu Huma

– Anca Fărcaș

– Iuliu Cocuz

– Raluca Niculescu

– Horatiu Sabau

– Diana Chiorean


– Elena Enache:, phone: 0771 358 855

– Gabriela Patrichi:, phone: 0751 437 724

– Anca Fărcaș :

– Raluca Marian


– Abstracts for the SRBC Congress should be submitted by November 15th, 2024.

– The abstract publication fee is 30 RON.

– Abstracts should be sent to, along with the registration form (scanned from the SRBC website) and proof of payment for the participation and publication fees. Please specify the presentation format (oral/poster).

– If the presentation format is oral, please specify which plenary sessions or round tables you wish to participate in with your paper.

– Abstracts should be a maximum of one A4 page, entirely in English (organizers are not responsible for content or translation errors), Times New Roman 12pt, single-spaced. Page setup: A4 format, top 2 cm, bottom 6.5 cm, inside 2 cm, outside 6 cm, gutter 0 cm, mirror margins, new page layout, header 0 cm, footer 7.37 cm.

– The abstract title should be centered, Times New Roman 14pt bold, all caps, single-spaced.

– Authors should be centered, Times New Roman 12pt bold, single-spaced.

– Affiliation should be centered, Times New Roman 12pt italic, 1-1.5 spacing.

– Brief presentation: purpose or introduction, materials and methods, results, and conclusions; Times New Roman 12pt, single-spaced.

– Do not change the page or text settings. Do not number the abstract page. Multiple abstracts should be sent in separate files even if they have the same author.

– Note that the publication of the abstract in the congress volume is conditional upon payment of the participation and publication fees.


– Posters should have a maximum size of A0, i.e., 841 x 1189 mm. Please specify when submitting the abstracts if you will present in poster format.

– Some of the works presented at the congress will be selected for publication. Those who wish to do so should write the full paper according to the requirements.

Participation Fees:

– SRBC members: 300 RON

– Non-SRBC members: 350 RON

– Online participation: 250 RON

– Accompanying persons: 200 RON

– PhD students and master’s students: 150 RON

– Students: 50 RON (provided they attend full-time courses and submit a poster presentation)

– Abstract publication fee: 30 RON/abstract

– The participation fee includes the symposium folder, abstract volume, social program, lunches, and festive dinner.


Not included in the participation fee and should be paid separately by accessing the partner hotels’ offers mentioned in the announcement, specifying „for participation in the SRBC Congress.”

Payment Details:

The participation and publication fees should be paid by mandate or bank transfer to:

RO32 TREZ 4762 0F33 0500 XXXX opened at the Târgu Mureș Treasury with the following information: University of Medicine and Pharmacy (UMF) Târgu Mureș CF 4322742, str. Gheorghe Marinescu 38, Mureș County. Please mention on the payment document: name, surname, CNP, company name, and the name of the scientific event (SRBC Session) for which the fee is paid.

Important Dates:

– Proposals for round tables and symposia: by November 15th, 2024, to

– Registration of participants and submission of abstracts, participation and publication fees: by November 15th, 2024.

– The registration form along with proof of payment for the participation and publication fees should be scanned and sent in one attached file to

– If you are unable to submit your abstract using the online form, please send it as an e-mail attachment to dr. Elena Enache:, phone: 0771 358 855, and ask for confirmation of receipt of the abstract.

Participation certificate:

Participants will receive a participation certificate with the number of Continuous Medical Education (CME) Credits granted by the Romanian Physicians College (CMR) and the OBBCSSR, respectively.

Participation certificates will be sent to participants by e-mail, at the end of the Conference.

Official languages:

Romanian and English

Accommodation Options:

– Hotel Grand (central) 4*:

– Târgu-Mureș 540052, Piata Victoriei, 28-30

– Tel: +40 365 730 003

– Fax: +40 365 730 262

– Mobile: +40 758 087 552


– Hotel Continental (central) 3*:

– Piata Teatrului, 56

– Tel: +40 365 265 8800

– Mobile: +40 744 772 574

– Fax: +40 365 265 8801


– Hotel Apollo Complex SPA (3 km from the university):

– Sangeorgiu de Mureș 547530

– Tel: +40 365 265 8561

– Fax: +40 365 265 8562

– Mobile: +40 743 688 127


Proposed Topics:

  • Biochemistry and molecular biology
  • Cellular and molecular neurobiology
  • Experimental biology and disease physiology
  • Cell and tissue injury
  • Molecular medicine, genetics and biomarkers
  • Molecular biology in neurodegenerative pathology, non-comunicable diseases
  • Updates in molecular diagnostics and therapy of tumoral conditions
  • Virtual reality applied in university education and medical practice
  • Doctoral students’ session
  • Cell therapy, stem cell research, immunotherapy
  • Drug targeting, diagnose diseases, and cell pathophysiology
  • Varia

Anunț foarte important!

Dragi colegi, datorită numeroaselor evenimente ale UMFST care se desfășoară simultan cu conferința SRBC, pentru bunul mers al programului nostru, am fost nevoită să fac unele modificări care să ne permită o desfășurare în condiții optime a manifestării noastre anuale.

În primul rând, vă rog să ne onorați cu prezența în toate cele trei zile destinate conferinței. Ziua de vineri vă va oferi o demonstrație de excepție la centrul de inteligență artificială al UMFST, unic în tară cu aplicații în medicină. Vineri, după conferința doctoranzilor, va avea loc seara festivă (în locul datei de joi).

Am făcut această schimbare pentru ca să poată beneficia de această întâlnire toți cei care doresc să participe fără limită de locuri și fără contribuții financiare suplimentare. Va fi seara noastră, așa, ca întotdeauna, la final de conferință. Toți participanții vor beneficia în cuantumul taxei de participare de programul cultural, de mesele de prânz, de seara festivă și de volumul de rezumate – supliment al revistei Acta Medica Marisiensis, indexată PubMed.

Rectorul universității noastre, Prof. Univ. Dr. Azamfirei Leonard, împreună cu conducerea universității ne-a oferit suportul financiar și logistic pentru ca acest eveniment să se desfășoare în cele mai bune condiții și, de asemenea, să poată beneficia de acest lucru toți participanții la conferința SRBC.

Vă rog, încă o dată, să ne dați posibilitatea să vă oferim trei zile frumoase, cu evenimente inedite, într-un campus universitar primitor, cu oameni care au făcut tot efortul să întregească și să revigoreze această familie a Societății Române de Biologie Celulară.

Cu respect și prietenie,

Prof. Univ. Dr. Anca Sin

Anunt privind organizarea cinei festive

 Având în vedere faptul că Cina festivă va fi organizată în cadrul Galei Festive a UMFST ”G.E. Palade” Târgu Mureș, în data de 12.12.2024, începând cu orele 18:00, la Centrul de Evenimente RAB, Sângeorgiu de Mureș, vă rugăm să ne confirmați participarea dumneavoastră la acest eveniment.

Deoarece locurile sunt nominale, vă rugăm să ne transmiteți și dacă veți participa însoțiți sau nu, împreună cu dovada achitării taxei de participare pentru însoțitori.

Pentru o reușită și o bună organizare a evenimentului, vă rugăm să ne transmiteți informațiile solicitate mai sus până vineri 29.11.2024, orele 18:00 la adresa de email:

Vă mulțumim!

Anunt privind sectiunea poster

Toți participanții care au optat pentru prezentarea unui poster sunt rugați să ne trimită până cel târziu în data de 8 decembrie 2024 posterul în format electronic (e-poster) la adresele de e-mail: și

Colegii care au optat pentru prezentare orală sunt rugați să aducă pe un stick USB prezentarea și să fie în sală cu 15-20 de minute înainte de începerea programului din ziua respectivă pentru a putea copia pe laptop prezentările.

E-posterele trebuie să fie în format compatibil 9x16, portrait (vertical), la rezoluția 1080 x 1920 pixeli (wide x height), de preferat în format .jpeg/jpg (imagine).

Vă mulțumim!